Warriors4 Christ
BeholdMy Brothers and Sisters in Christ our Lord, I wrote this to informyou that, War has been Declare, and the Call to Arms has began. TheBody of Christ as a hold as been Call to Active Duty, in a War thatbeen raging on since the beginning of time. For this War that we havebeen called to serve in, Is not an worldly War that we see and heareveryday of our life. It's a War that we can't afford to lose, forthis War is for the very souls of all mankind. My question to you isthis, Are you ready? I said Are you Ready!
WellI know you must be think who is this Nut, or what I have beensmoking, But I tell you I am of clear Mind and body. You also must beasking yourself this, what should I be Ready for? Well I will tellyou, Every Christian whether they be Young or whether they be old.All have been called to be Warriors and Youth Warriors In the Army ofthe almighty. The Army of the God Almighty is not like any Army onthe face of the world.
Forthe Army’s of the world fight wars with bombs and Bullet,that canbe seen and heard. But the Wars that we as Warriors and YouthWarriors for Christ must fight can't be seen nor Heard, For it isWritten in Ephesians Chap Six 12 ( NIV): For our struggles arenot against flesh and blood,but against the rulers, against theauthorities, against the powers of this dark world and against theSpiritual forces of evil in Heavenly Realms.
Withthis in Mind. I must ask you this Question now and Then once againonce more after you have read this. And the Question is, If God wouldcome to you today and ask you to join the fight against the EvilForce in heavenly Realms. What would you say to him?A Wouldyou take up your cross and Join the fight or B would youchoose to stay where you were ?
Iknow for a fact, that many of you that are reading this, Are at theage when by law you have to register for selective serves. Which atthe Age of Eighteen year of age all Americans are required by law todo so. I'm not tell you to not to sign up. But when you do, Thinkabout which Army you would whether serve in. The Army of the World Orthe Army of the Almighty. Again I'm not telling you not to join ourNations Military, For only by the blood that they have spill on theBattle fields through out great Nation History. Can I write this toyou my brother and sister is Christ our Lord, No war that as befought here on the earth can match up with the one that has beenraging since the beginning of time.
NowMany of you are most likely asking yourself what is a Warriors forChrist? Well the The definition of a warrior is a personexperienced in conflict or battle. (noun)(Http://www.yourdictionary.com/warrior) Well it not a very hard Question to Answer. Forevery christian all over the world, No matter if it a Man or Women.Young or Old have been given the task by our Lord himself. For itis written in Matthew chap 28 verse 18-20 (NIV):
Verse18 we read "Then Jesus came to them and said " Allauthority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. (NIV) Verse 19:Therefore go and make disciples of all the nation, bapizing them inthe name of the Father and of the Son and the of the holy Spirit.,(NIV) Verse 20 : " And teaching them to obey everything that Ihave commanded you, and Surely I'm with you always, to the very endof age.(NIV)
Sohas Warriors and Youth Warrior 4 Christ, Our mission that we havebeen given is known as The Great Commission. Which Our Lord give tous just before he ascend into the heavens. As we look at the GreatCommission for a moment, The Great Commission is covered in Matthewchap 28 verse 18-20 as listed above, But also in the Gospel of Markchap 16 verse 15 -18. and here what the Gospel of Mark chap 16 verse15 -18 says
15(NIV):He said to them," Go into all the world and preach the good newsto all Creation.16(NIV) Whoever believes and is baptized will besaved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
Soas you can see there listed above that Our Lord Jesus was telling ushow important it is that we take the Gospel or Good News to the endof the world, For those who come to believe and are baptizedin his name. They put their faith in the saving grace of Christ ourLord will be saved. But Jesus told us that not everybody who hearswill believe and for those who still choose to not believe then theywill be Condemned. You may be asking yourself why would they beCondemned all ready for not believing in Jesus well it is written inthe Gospel of John chap 3 verse 18 that Verse 18 (NIV): Whoeverbelieves in him is not Condemned, but whoever does not believe standscondemned already because he has not believed in the name of God'sone and only ( Or God's only begotten) Son
Asyou may know that the God that we serve is a loving and merciful God,For In Romans Chap 5 verse 8 it is written 8 (NIV): But Goddemonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were stillsinners, Christ died for us. Also Christ our Lord told us of hiseverlasting love for us in one of the most popular and best knowverse in the bible and that is found in the Gospel of John Chap 3Verse 16 and it goes something like this.
Verse16 ( NIV): For God so Loved the world that he give his one and only(or his only begotten) Son , that whoever believes in him shall notperish but but have eternal life. But does that mean that Our Godsend his son into the world to condemn it? And the answer to thatquestion is No for in the Gospel of John Verse 17 tells us that (NIV): For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn theworld, but to save the world through him.
Sohere we are showed that one that even those we were sinner he lovedus so much that send his son Jesus Christ into the world to save oursous from death. For in Romans chap six verse 22 it is written Verse23 (NIV): For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God iseternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. In Romans chap three verse23 and 24 we find why we all need to be saved by Christ our LordJesus. It is written in Romans chap three verse 10-12 and verse23-26:Verse 10 (NIV): as it is written:"There is noone righteous, not even one; Verse 11 (NIV): there is no one whounderstands no one who seeks God Verse 12 (NIV): All have turnedaway, they have together become worthless; there is no one who doesgood not even one."From these verse in Romans chap 3 verse10-12 what is God trying to tell us? Well to break down for normalforks to understand in Verse 23 of Romans Chap 3 it is made it asclear as it can be that Verse 23 (NIV): for all have sinned andfall short of the glory of God. Now if this is true then how comewe who have came to believe in Christ our Lord as Lord and Savior anybetter then those who are not? Well it is written in the verse 24-26of this chap that there is a way that we can have our sins forgivenfor it written in Verse 24Verse 24 (NIV):and justified freely bythe grace through redemption that came by Christ Jesus
Howdid GOD do this? We see in verse 25 that Verse 25(NIV) GODpresented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in hisblood. He did this to demonstrate is Justice because in hisforbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished. Thequestion why did he leave those sins unpunished? In the next verse hetell us why. Verse 26(NIV): he did it to demonstrate his justiceat the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies thosewho have faith in Jesus. Now knowing this how did the death ofChrist our Lord set us free from the chains that our sins had on oursouls. It is simple God send his Son Jesus Christ into the world tobecome a sin offering for us all. In Ephesians chap one Verse 7 ittell us. Verse 7 (NIV): In him we have redemption through hisblood,the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of Godgrace. How does one get this?
Whyis it important that we are born again?
Itis simple you must first be born again. Born again? Our Lord talksabout this in The Gospel of John Chap 3 verse 2 -7 when Jesus wasteaching a guy named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish rulingcouncil and it goes a little like this. Verse 2 (NIV): He came toJesus at night and said, " Rabbi, we know that you are a teacherwho has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signsyou are doing if God were not with him."and then in ReplyJesus Declare, in Verse 3 (NIV)" I tell you the truth, no onecan see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."and thenin Verse 4 ( NIV): How can a man be born when he is old Nicodemusasked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother'swomb to be born!"Well Nicodemus has a point there. That isIf Christ was talking about a physical rebirth instead of a rebirthof the Spirit then It couldn't very well happen.
Buthe wasn't because in Verse five He tell us Verse 5 (NIV):" Itell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he isborn water and the Spirit"Verse 6 (NIV):Flesh gives birth toflesh, but Spirit gives birth to spirit. Verse 7 (NIV): You shouldnot be surprised at my saying, you must be born again. So whatdo we come to understand from verse 5 through 7 is that Christ Jesuswasn't talking about a physical rebirth but instead he was talkingabout a rebirth of the spirit. The question is now what become of apersons when they are born again? and why is it important thatWarrior’s and Youth Warrior’s 4 Christ be Born again. Well Igoing to try to answer those question for you right now or least I'mgoing to try,so bear with me.
FirstI'm going to give you the answer to the first part of the question.To answer the first question we will need to flip over in our bibleto 2 Corinthians Chap 5 verse 17.Well the bible tell us in 2Corinthians Chap 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, heis a new creature; the old things have passed away; behold, allthings become new. That how the King James Version or (KJV) forshorts has it.
Warriors 4 Christ 3 Michael S Cline
Whichmeans that everything we did up to that time is forgiven and nolonger will be held again us. God tell us in Isaiah chap 43 25(NIV):" I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions,formy own sake and remembers your sin no more. Andhere In Psalms 321(NIV) Blessed is the one whose transgression are forgiven whose sinsare covered. 2 (NIV) Blessed is the one whose sins the Lord does notcount against them and in whose spirit is no deceit)
Howwould you get to this point where the Lord our God Yahweh wouldn’thold your sin against you well here how you get this to his point inthe Fifth verse of Psalm 32 states as followed 5(NIV) Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up myiniquity, I said " I will confess my transgressions to the Lordand your forgive the guilt of my sin.
Soas you see to be born again you one must have reach the point whereyou know for a fact that you are a sinner. And that no matter whatyou do you, you can't save yourself from the fire of hell and secondyou must be willing to bend a knee and bow down before all of heavenand earth and confess your sins to the father,bewilling to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. OK how would you goabout doing this it simple it is written in Roman 10 9-13 (NIV) 9(NIV) If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord '” and believein your heart that God Raised him from the dead, you will besaved”.10For it is with your heart that you believe and arejustified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith andare saved.11As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him willnever be put to shame.”[a]12Forthere is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord isLord of all and richly blesses all who call on him,13for, “Everyonewho calls on the name of the Lord will be saved
Furthermorewhen you became “Born Again” You are granted both Salvation andForgiveness of your sins, and you became from that moment on you are A New Creation in Christ, old way have pass away
2Corinthians Chap 5:17(KJV)Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; the oldthings have passed away; behold, all things become new.
TheDefinition of salvation is as follows Salvation[ Noun] is being saved or protected from harm.[1]Inreligion,it is stated as the saving of the soulfromsinandits consequences.[2]Itmay also be called "deliverance" or "redemption"from sin and its effects.[3]Dependingon the religious tradition, salvation is considered to be causedeither by the freewillandgraceofa deity {Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvation}
Butthe final reason that you must be born Again (Salvation) is because It is a Key part of the Armor of God, and as you will learn abouthere in a few min When I cover the Armor of God you will learn theimportant of having The Helmet of Salvation, But before I do I wantto give you the reader the Chance right now, If anything I have wrote so far has touched your heart. I ask you this Are you Ready ?There no better time than now to give your life over to the Prince ofPeace Christ Jesus. For every two second someone some where in theworld Dies, and that person will wake up in one of two place, eternallive in Heaven or eternal Pain in hell.
Herea simple pray for those who wish to put their faith in Christ, Nowyou can used the one I have here or you can say whatever come to yourmind. But whatever you pray remember unless you truly mean it thenyour wasting your time. For God is looking for True Repents not havea half way, it either you Go hard or Go Home.
FatherGod Be Merciful to me a sinner, I willing come before you this dayto confess my sin to you , I believe in my heart that you bleed anddie for me on the cross for my sins, and I believe in my heart thatGod Rise you from the dead. Lord I accept you by Faith, please comeinto my heart and become my Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving mysoul, in Jesus name I pray Amen
Nowif you said that pray and your truly met it please shoot me a emailWarriors4Christ777@gmail.com
TheArmor of God
Ephesians 6:10-18
10Finally,be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.11Put on the full armorof God,so that you can take your stand against the devil’sschemes.12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,but againstthe rulers, against the authorities,against the powers of this darkworld and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlyrealms. put on the full armor of God,so that when the day of evilcomes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have doneeverything, to stand.14Stand firm then, with the belt of truthbuckled around your waist,with the breastplate of righteousness inplace,15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes fromthe gospel of peace.16In addition to all this, take up the shield offaith,with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of theevil one.17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of theSpirit,which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on alloccasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind,be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Inthis part I will be talking to you about Weapons and Armor of aWarriors 4 Christ, and the importance of having the Armor of God.Let me ask you this. If a Warrior would go into battle without hisarmor He wouldn't last that very long. The Armor of God is made upof six piece, and they are 1 The Helmet Of Salvation 2 The Sword ofthe spirit (which the word of God) 3 The Breastplate of Righteousness 4 Belt of True 5 Shield of Faith 6 Shoe fitted with the readiesthat comes from the gospel of peace
NowI’m going to talk about each of the piece of the Armor of God.First is the Helmet of Salvation, We cover this earlier, how you getthis piece by become a member of the Body of Christ, but only youhave these piece can't wear any of the rest, The Helmet of Salvation,Protect the mind of the Warrior, because the enemy were try to fillyour head of doubt and he will try his best to remind you of yourpass sin. But as you remember early that once you come to know Christas your personal Saviors all your pass Sins are forgiven and Godwon't hold them against you.
TheSecond Piece of the armor of God is the Sword of the spirit, Which isthe Word Of God, and what is that? Oh course it the bible, It doesn’tmatter which version you read of the bible, as long as you read it.Every Christian should spend at least thirty to an hour every day inthe word of God, It all up to you how sharp you Sword is
TheThird Piece of the Armor of God is the Breastplate of Righteousness,It goes on your chest, it protect you heart from the Satan attack,because Satan know very well if you hit the heart the warrior willdie, so don't leave you chest unprotected.
TheFour Piece of the Armor of God is the Belt of Truth, and it goesaround your waist. This a very importance piece because with thetruth we fight the lies of the Evil one, it is written “ The truthshall set you free”
Thefifth piece of the armor of God is the shield of Faith, theWarrior best Friend because with we can over come any and all flamingarrows that the Satan will shoot at you
Thesixth Piece and last piece of the Armor of God is the shoe of thereadiness that come from the gospel of peace, and this piece givesthe Warrior the peace they need to when the battle gets the fierce.So no matter how bad thing may get fall back on to the peace that youhave in the gospels
Now that you know what each piece is used for, and how they are used,A Warrior should never leave home without it., for the enemy isalways looking for any weakness in your defends ,
Thenext part im going to talk about how a Warrior should Witness to thelost
Warriors4 Christ 5 Michael S Cline
Howto witness to the Lost
Thereare many Difference way that you can Witness to the lost, ManyChristian have a deep seated fear of witnessing to the lose, theymany scare that person is going to be rude and hateful toward them.So they don't but doing so is no falling the direct order that ourcommander in chef give to us before going into heaven,
Sohere one way that you can get over your fear of witnessing. I findone of the best and simple way of witness to the lost. Is The TenCommendation, almost everyone know some of them. But not many canlist them in correct order, Many Christian can't tell you them wordfor word., but just ask the person that your are witnessing to simplebut direct Question, let their own answer convict them ask them haveyou ever lie, and if they say no then they are lie right there, “have you ever stole something” have you ever used the name of theLord in Vain? I hope you getting the point here, but what happen ifthey ask you what do you have to back it up,
WellI'm going to tell you right now, If you notice every time the TheApostles witness to the people of their day, they all way back it upwith the Messianic Prophecy, What are the Messianic Prophecy’s youask . The Messianic Prophecy are the scripts in the Old Testament,that spoke of the Coming of Christ, In my Mind every Christ shouldknow all the Messianic Prophecy's, here are just a few that are theeasy s to remember “Isaiah 7:14 (NIV):Therefor the Lord himselfwill give you a sign The Virgin will conceive and give birth to ason and will call him Emmanuel”. And Zechariah9:9- (NIV) ,9Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion!Shout,Daughter Jerusalem!See, yourking comes to you,righteous and victorious,lowly and riding on adonkey,on a colt, the foal of a donkey. And Micah 5: 2 (NIV) “ But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you aresmall among the clans of Judah out of you will come for me one whowill be a ruler over Israel whose origins from ancient times”
Thosewhere just a few, there a ton of more to many to type in here. Butthe best way to answer unbeliever challenge are with the MessianicProphecy, it work very well for the apostle and it will work for youas well.
Nowyou know the mission of the a Warrior 4 Christ and you know yourweapon of combat, and you know how to cover come the fear ofwitnessing to the lost, and the best and simple way of breaking theice, and you now know how to back up what your saying now come the hard truth of being a Warrior 4 Christ
Yourlife as a Warrior 4 Christ won't be a easy. Your going to be onattack from the evil one every step of the way, because from the verymoment that you come to know Christ as you Savior, you will becomeSatan’s public enemy #1 because of the fact that your a christian,and the world will hate you with a passion because you are no longerapart of it. In fact many of you will face persecuted , Prison, andeven Death, But whatever you come your way, Never Deny his Name. Stayloyal even to the point of death, and in Matthew5:10-12 (NIV) : Blessed are you who are persecuted. Because ofRighteousness,for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven” 11 “ Blessedare you when people insult you,Persecute you and falsely say allkinds of evil against you because of me”. And when they do you will notice in Verse 12 Jesus Told how toReacted to these thing“12 REJOICE AND BE GLAD, because great is your reward in heaven,For in the same way they Persecuted the Prophets who were before you”Now remember that when they do these forgiven them each and everytime they harm you, for Remember to be forgiven you must firstForgive , For it is written in Matthew6:14-15”(NIV) For if you forgive other people when they sin againstyou, Your heavenly Father will also forgive your... but if you don'tforgive others their sins, Your father in heaven will not forgiveyour sins
NowI will talk a little about one of the greats issue that is effectingthe Body of Christ.
Theonly way that we are going to Win this battle against Satan is if theBody Of Christ is United, Right now the Body Of Christ is Divideamong it self for many reason, but remember what Jesus told us inMatthew 16:18 (NIV)”and I tell you that peter ,and on this Rock Iwill build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” The Church should be as solid as that rock, when the body solid ithas no crack in it, but when the church is off doing it own thing,and fighting each, crack form into that Rock and as you know if yougive Satan an inch he will take a mile, Can the Body of Christ thatdivide against itself stand? Can a Nation divide among itself stand?No can A Kingdom divide among it self stand. High doubtful, So whatmake us think if the body Of Christ is Divide among itself will stand?
Sowhat are we going to do about this Warriors? Well I'm going to tellyou what we going to do about it, We the Body of Christ need to putour difference aside whether it be scripts or what not? The in fightmost stop and stop now, for how can we be fighting the true enemy ifwe are fighting ours, What we need to do now is stop focusing on whatwe don't agree on and focus on what we do agree on and there so manymessage that are being give in the Church these day, when the TrueMessage is not being get told, and that the reason the Body Of Christneed to be onebody, one message, and one common goal, and that goal is to bring thelose and dieing souls of our dark and die world to the feet of themessiah.
Soin closing The time is now and now is the time, that the Body ofChrist is as a whole need to put our difference aside and Fall inunder the blood stain banner of Jesus Christ., and let him lead usinto battle. Who is with me. Now in the beginning I ask you aquestion, If God came to you this day and ask you to join the battle or would you stay where it was safe
MichaelScott Cline