Friday, July 29, 2016

Great News Warriors we finally broke 2,500

Greeting Warriors, I'm writing you this day to give you some great news. that is if you hadn't heard about all ready. I'm pretty sure you have. if you have been on our Warriors For Christ Facebook page as of late. as you all know for the pass few year i have want  our Warriors for Christ ministry on Facebook to become larger. who doesn't right? 
Well we struggle with that for a few years. in fact we came up about 34 page like shy of our end of the year goal last year but did we throw up our hand and walk away, No we made some change with certain staff members. 
Some have left the ministry, But we don't hold it against them. I tell all our staff at the get  go, our ministry doesn't have a operational budget, so we can't just buy ads and stuff on Facebook and twitter. and I never ask for donation for anything. We all work for together this way to farther the call of the Lord on our live and strive to reach the maximum lost souls for the Lord
Enough with that now on to the great news, Warriors on 7/21/16 Sandy Wright_ McClellan become the 2,500 person to like our Warriors For Christ Facebook page. A goal that we all here have been reach for last few year, Praise be to Yahweh and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (and commander in chief ) Sandy Wright-McClellan From all of staff here at the Warriors for Christ we would like to thank you for being the one who put us over the top 

by reach this Milestone Warriors we have proven once again, that even those we may be small and may not have the money that our larger Fellow Brothers pages. and we don't need to take out ads to promote our ministry because it been by the word of mouth that our ministry has grown this far. and I would like to personally thank each of you who have join us. because without tell your friends and  family about us, we wouldn't have reach this far.
in closing I am setting a new Facebook page like goal that by the grace of God we can reach by the end of this year. that is 2,600 page like goal by the end of this year. 
Admin Michael Cline
Warriors for Christ 
Founder and Head admin

Warriors for Christ Facebook page link

Friday, June 17, 2016

Statement on Orlando LBGT night club shooting

First of all I would like to come out and Condemn the senseless violence that was carry out this pass Sunday against LBGT Community in strongest term possible and I want offer up our thoughts and prayers to family's and friends and the victims of this Islamic terrorist attack

I know that we Christian and those who belong to LBGT Community may have our difference over their rights marry who they want. But rest assure in light of this attacks on your community we here at Warriors for Christ extend our hand in peace and healing toward the community in your time of need 
Heavenly Father we come to this day to offer up prayer of healing to those who have lost their partner and who injury or lost their lives in this senseless act of terrorism against LGBT community 
Lord I you ask this day that reach down and touch the heart of all those who were effect by this shooting  please Lord Comfort those who hearts are breaking and filled with utter sorrow Lord I ask that you heal them mind body and soul
Heavenly Father Ask this prayer in Jesus name amen
Michael Scott Cline
Warrior for Christ

Now seeking new admin for our page

Attention Warriors we here are the Warriors for Christ are now seeking people who are on fire for Christ, to join our staff here, We are in need of people who will be active in their role in our ministry, we have many opening available, from Running our blog which is on to running our free webpage that we have set up, to being a page editor help the running of the page here on face book. So if you interested in any of these spots in our ministry feel free to email us at our ministry email address which is and if you do email us, please put in the subject box Warriors for Christ admin opening and include which spot you’re interested in and means of a way that we can contact you to follow up on. Or you could just sent us a private message to our page and one of page admin will get back to as soon as possible 
                                 Michael Scott Cline
                                  Warriors for Christ

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Year in review 2015

Greeting follow Warriors my name is Michael Scott Cline and I am the Founder and head admin for the Warriors 4 Christ and today I would like to take a moment to look back on the year that is drawing to a close. 
In 2015 we have seen our Ministry grow in leaps and bounce all becuase people like you and your family and friends . This year I truly hope that we have strengthen your walk with the Lord 
This year alone we have gone from 2,400 Facebook page like to now over 2,458 page like which leave us only 42 page like shy of reaching our end of the year Warriors for Christ Facebook page like goal of 2,500 and as I write this there are only 3 day remaining in 2015
Three day and 42 page like to go seem the odds are stacked against us but remember it only too Chrisy three day to defend death so please if you have Facebook and haven't already like our page please do so now and link is provided for you below
In closing Brothers and sister we all here at the Warriors for Christ we would like to wish you and your family and friend a very happy and safe new year 
Michael Scott Cline
Warriors for Christ

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


 Today ladies and gentleman ,we are going to be talking about something that for every Christian would seem to be second nature to us all , but even to this season battle test Warrior as myself it hard to do sometimes but then the Holy Spirit kick me in butt and remind me of what it written in Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV)"For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

Yes the topic that we are going to be covering today is forgiveness and why is it important that we forgive people who wrong us and what happen to the Christian when they don't forgive this should a very great installment I hope you enjoy it .

Now I know in the world we live in these day and things that we as Believer in Christ have to endured on daily basic may make it hard for some to forgive those whom wrong us (sin against us) thing they do to us make it hard and sometime seem impossible task to do, trust me sometime it even hard for me do to. But as Christian it something we have to do regrets there no choice in matter we most forgive those whom wrong us

I'm going tell little story real quickly here, back in high school I dated a girl who name was Christina out of respect for I not give her last name . We started to date in junior year in high school things were going great she sixteen and I was eighteen but her mom cool with we never did anything that normal teenager didn't do (I never Slept with her just to clear that up right up front because she was under the age )

but any who the first week in my senior year I wrote a letter to get something off my chest and she took the wrong way and dumped me it hurt really bad, the worse part of it was that was a week before senior homecoming and in which left without date for homecoming. I look for another. but wasn't able to find another date in that short period of time and so at home coming . I thought I found a date for homecoming, my best friends girlfriend Jennifer,but the day of the homecoming dances she stood me up and and took one of her friend who was gay, and didn’t tell me until right before it was time for me head out for homecoming.

So I when to my senior Homecoming Dateless, and hurt, and seeing all my friends there that I hang out were also friends with my ex Girlfriend Christine, and it hurt me to much to see them living it up all happy and dancing like none thing had happen

When my whole world was crashing down around me, and yes it made me very angry, but more hurt then anything, But Jennifer did give me one dance, and few others but seeing them having fun with out me made my blood boil, So after about hour or so of putting up with it all I called my step father and told him come pick me up and he did.
So My Ex Girlfriend whom at once time I want to married and love with all my heart and soul, Ruin my senior homecoming, But that not the only thing she did, she didn’t stop there she when around school spreading false rumors about me, like I forced myself on her and stuff which I never didn't I never did anything she didn't want to do, knowing she was underage, and I was eighteen, trying to Trash my na,e in every possible way, Oh I was mad.... ok mad is not the word that I am wanting to used here ( But since this is Christian Blog that the word I'm going to use in this) In mind my she had declared War on me and at this Point in time as mad as I was said to myself "if she wanted War then War she shall have". So during the majority of my senior year in highschool my Ex Girlfriend and I were at a State of war

Now here where the forgiveness part comes into the store, My older Brother Jerry and his wife when to a church ,( I can't remember the name of that church now ) but let me tell you it was awesome church, Well one Sunday my brother invite me to attend his church, and I when to his church, and let me tell you the message that the minster given that Sunday morning, was one that I need to hear, That day he was speaking on subject of Forgiveness, and the whole time I was sitting there, listening to every word he was speaking, every word was like double blade sword that cut me to the bone, and this is what the minster said that day “ God is sending blessing into your life every second of the day, you may not see the blessing he sending you way,but trus me The Lord is allway sending blessing to those whom follow him

    But if you have unforgiven in your heart toward someone. That unforgiven is like a brick wall in your heart and that brick wall of unforgiven is blocking the many blessing that God sends into your life, and has powerful as our God his he can't break down that brick wall, it up to you, God can will just continue send the blessing but it up to you do accept them, But as long as you have that brick wall of unforgiveness in your heart, Your the one who is blocking the blessing that God have in store for you,

    It was at the moment that the words that the minster had spoken began to sink into my thick skull, like I told you before those word he spoke were like a double blade sword, cutting and slashing there way though the raging storm of angry and bitterness and unforgiveness that in my heart, How can I explain the feeling that I was feeling that moment, In the Book of Act Chapter 2 where Peter was addressing the crowd at the day of Pentecost after the holy spirit fell on the apostle, 36Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.37Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?(KJV) 
    At that very moment I known what I had to do, I need to forgive my Ex Girlfriend if I ever wanted to receive the full blessing that Yahweh (God) had in store for me. I known I need to forgive her face to face, yet she wasn’t there so I closed my eyes that very moment and in the silence of the moment, I told The Lord that I forgive her for all the things that she had done to me, and at that very moment it felt like a thousand ape had been lift off my shoulder and I felt that brick wall that I had build in my heart start to crumble and fall away, a rush of peace and forgiveness flood my body,

The truth bless that the The Lord had in store for me was my wife Ashley Cline, Little did I know by tearing down that brick wall down of unforgiveness that I had in my heart paved the way for the Lord to send me best blessing that I have ever could received and that was my wife

  Well in short I did get around to telling her that I forgive her, and even after I had forgiven her for wronging me, and I felt so free from the crushing weight of unforgiveness that I had in my heart,

I'm know I told you this story would he a short one, but the something important that I felted I need to include in this post, when after I forgive her for what had done to me personally, like dragging my good name though the mud like she did, no matter what she did from that point of do me, no matter how anger it made me, I forgive her on the spot, Oh just to let you guy know later down the road my Ex Girlfriend got what she had coming to her, for ruining my senior homecoming, because at Prom The Lord allow me the honor of getting even with her for ruining my senior home coming, and let just say, Ashley was my weapon of Choice, I when to prom with my current wife, and my Ex Girlfriend was kind of on heavy side of life, ( No trying to make fun of her or anything,) But my current wife was skinny and I was able to pick her up and spin her around in the air, because I couldn't have done that to my ex, and the fact on the senior walk they played Truly madly deep in which was my Ex and my song.

Ok Now that story I just told you was pretty long and maybe I could have shorten it a little bit, but I want to used it as example to you how bad people can wrong you in life, You have to be willing to forgive that person, because if you don't you just hurting yourself more then you are them, because as you remember from the story above I told you that my unforgiveness I had toward my ex girlfriend build a brick wall in my heart that blocked the blessing that God had in store for my life,

There many other way you can be hurt .. You could have been a Victim of Domestic Violence at the hands of a husband or a wife, ( Yes ladies, it not only us male who beat up on their partners) , you may have been the victim of rape, assault, or was sexuality abuse when you were Child, by a family member or a stranger, of maybe even a teacher, ( a lot of the going around these days) I Personally was a Victim of sexual Abuse when I while I was in foster care by 19 year female, Just want to let you know I Personally have gone though some stuff in my life as well. But no matter how much pain someone has done to you in the pass, you much Forgive them, I know it going to be hard for you to look the person who hurt you in the eyes, you may have flash back of all the pain and hurt that person had done to you , but you have to shut that out and focus on doing what the Lord would want you to do, to forgive the person,

In the Book of Matthew Chapter 18 verse 15 through 20 Jesus speak on what you need to do when a brother or sister sins against you (ESV) 15“If your brother sins against you,go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.17If he refuses to listen to them,tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church,let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.18Truly, I say to you,whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed[a]in heaven.19Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask,it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.20For where two or three are gathered in my name,there am I among them.”

As we see from the passage above Jesus told us what to do when a brother or a sister sin again you, hearing this left peter confused so we find in Matthew 18 chapter 18 verse 21 though 35 the Parable of the unforgiving Servant

21 Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?As many as seven times?”22 Jesus said to him,“I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times.23 “Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants.[a] 24When he began to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents.[b]25 And since he could not pay, his master ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment to be made.26 So the servant[c] fell on his knees, imploring him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’ 27 And out of pity for him, the master of that servant released him and forgave him the debt.28 But when that same servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii,[d] and seizing him, he began to choke him, saying, ‘Pay what you owe.’29 So his fellow servant fell down and pleaded with him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’30 He refused and went and put him in prison until he should pay the debt.31 When his fellow servants saw what had taken place, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their master all that had taken place.32 Then his master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me.33 And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you? 34 And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers,[e] until he should pay all his debt. 35 So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”

So in Closing you can see how important it is for us Christian to forgive those whom have sinned against us, no matter how many time they sin against us, we must forgiven them, for your sins to be forgive you first must forgive those whom sin against you,

Until next time Warriors “ May the Glory of the Lord be your rearguard,”
Admin Michael Cline
Warriors For Christ

Thursday, March 6, 2014

An hour a day keep satan away

I'm not trying to brag here or anything, But Since December 9 1999, in which was the day that I became a Born again Christian, I have read the bible straight through from Genesis 1.1 through Revelation 22:21 six time, I currently am reading though the bible for the seventh time, and I am proud to say, has of this morning I have started the book of Revelation. I started the current trip though the bible on July 28 2012 at 12:30 am, I know it took me a lot longer to read through this time around, because I got lazy and didn’t read for a long time, but since then God has kick me in the butt and give me jump start and I been clicking off books right and left ever since then, and knowing me as well as I do this won't be the last time either.

During my fifth time read through the bible I had a friend look at me who is a Christian, and told me “ Michael you really need to pull your nose out of that book and do something with your life, and stop reading where I was and look up at him and said “ Why would you say that for bud” Out of respect of the person who is still a close friend I will leave him nameless, why should I pull my nose out of the bible when it you who need to put your nose in it,

Once I was on valley metro bus here in Roanoke Virginia, I know a lady across from me with a not so nice look on her face when see saw me pull out my bible from my book bag, I over look her for a time, and start to chat with other rider on the bus, and when I told the gentleman that I had read personally read thought the bible six time and I was working on my seventh time, this when the older lady across me spoke up in smart butt tone. “ Why would you want to read that book more then once? Well I was took back by her question, I could have shoot back at her in the same manner and tone she did but I didn't I Calm told her that it is written in Ephesians 6: 17 that the word of God was a double blade sword, and I keep reading the bible over and over again to keep the blade of the sword sharpen .

Ladies and gentleman I know many of you whom are reading this are asking yourself what does this have to do with anything , so what if I have read though the bible six time or seventh, what does it have to do with me, well it has a lot to do with you, as a christian you should make a point to spend at least an hour or two or maybe even more it up to you and your busy life. Because if you spend time in the word of GOD everyday, it refresh the truth of the Gospels in your mind, and It only an hour a day, it to much for God to ask an hour of your time a day, I mean He loved you enough to send his son into the world to die for your sin, So what will to give up for him 15 min an hour maybe two think about it. I’m not judging anyone here and was trying to, but remember to be a true Warrior for Christ to have to know what your talking about when you witness to the lost

This just a food for though,

“ An hour a day keep Satan away”-Michael Scott Cline

Michael Scott Cline
Warriors for Christ

Founder and head admin

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Do you have what it take????

                             Ladies and Gentleman, this post that I'm going to be posting today is going to be one of those posted that challenges you to step up your spiritual walk with the Lord. and will hopeful will cause you to take our mission as Warriors For Christ to heart, because let me tell you the Message that the Lord Give me over the weekend at first may have seem to have direct at one person, Then the More i thought about it and ran it over and over in my mind, the more true mean came clear to me, That the message that at first may have seem only for that person,was also met for the Body Of Christ and The World  that time is running out.

                           Let me tell you when you first read this following line, it will seem to everyone one like something a football coach would tell his player when the game is on the line and time is running out, but the more you think about it and it will come clear to you the true mean of it, it took me about a day to figure it out, but once The Lord had make the the true mean of it know to me, I was like WOW that make that something i had to speak about  because if it cause one of my Friend to get his head out of his backside before it was to late with his Girlfriend, then it had to also be something that the Lord want me to tell you guy, get you guy and ladies fired up and those flames re lite under your feet's and you guys and ladie back out there on battle field burning new paths for the Lord.

                       Warriors we should feel blessed to be living in the time of the world that we do, I mean, yes our suffering for the Gospel of Christ (GOOD NEWS) is overwheming and for many of our Sister and Brother in Islamic Nation in the Middle East have given their very life for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I just hope we all here in American and other Western Nation can have that kind of Faith when it our turn to take the test, for as I will more then willing to give my life for the cause, Now before someone out there trys to take last statement out of context, I just want to make it clear as mud to all of those who would try, I wouldn't ever do anything that would bring shame to the body of christ, but if come to confessing Christ and dieing and Denying him and living, I am more them willing to give my life for the Lord,
                           Now I know I got off topic just a little there but i felt lead to include that last part, But here what the Lord spoke to me over the weekend and told me " IT GUT CHECK TIME SON YOUR ON FIVE YARD LINE AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT" and Let me just tell you that statement to me is wake up call to all Christian all across the world, 

                     If you know anything about the game of Football, you would know when once team that has the ball at the time get the football cross the 20 yard line of the other team side of the field, they enter part of the field that is called The RED ZONE!!! The closer the team drive toward the Goal the other side defense beefed up and it get really hard to break through their line to score a touchdown.

                   Now Warriors this where it very important for you to pay very close attention to what im talking about to say.. So if you need to please take notes, seen we are using a football field here, I'm going to continue on using it, it only make sence to, a football field is 100 yard from end zone to end zone, now, in the beginning of time if this was a game off football, we would have been start off our drive at our own one yard line, and if you know anything about football that not at good place to start your drive at, well over  time  before Christ the first time the world made it way up the field really slow, 

But then suddenly thing change in our favor, at the fifty yard Line The Messiah came to our aid and give us the strenght and forgiveness of our sin that we need to push on, and from that time on to now we have been driving ,push our way that much closer to the goal line,
But all sudden something happen when we cross the 20 yard line and enter "THE RED ZONE"  The enemy defense got heavyer and thicker, we had to fight for every inch of yard we gain, yes we had some set back but we never give up and we push on, Now brother and sister we find ourself on the FIVE YARD line and when we look up at the score board time is running out, the enemy defense have became ovewheming and our chance of cross the goal line may look hopeless.
                      But this is the point where Our coach the Holy Spirit and head Coach Jesus speak to each and everyone of our heart and say " IT GUT CHECK TIME SON OR DAUGHTER YOUR ON THE FIVE YARD LINE AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT"  

What each you to need be to ask yourself right now is DO I HAVE WHAT IT TAKE ? Do I have the faith and strength it will take push those final five yard to the end zone Well do you? You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk? Each of us have hard choice to make at this point in our walk with The Lord? 

Are we going to cross the goal line and finish the race or are we going to do throw in the towel and give up ? It question that each of us are going to have answer personally, I can't and I won't force you to do anything it up to you the world is counting on us Warriors , The souls of billions rest in your hands are you going to let them down! I personally already know my answer and I have my armor on and standing on the battle line with my sword draw ,so if your with me then throw on the full armor of God and Join me in making the finally push for brother and Sister. We are standing on the Five yard line and time is Running out
                                                            (Ephesians 6:10-20 NIV) 
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.                    

    It sure has change the way I look at witnessing to the lose, and how important it is that we Christians set our mind to doing the Lord work, and how important it really is for us continue to fight the good fight and finish the race billion of souls are counting on us!


Michael Scott Cline
Warriors For Christ